Sunshine Contacts
How you can help
Many times, the 80+ group, those recovering from surgery, and the shut-ins need special attention from their church family. You are the person to give encouragement when needed.
“Be kind for everyone is fighting a great battle.”
Take or mail them cards, church bulletins, Christ in Our Home, or banners signed by the congregation.
Make a phone call - Don’t let words get in the way. If you don’t know what to say, be honest. Say something like, “I don’t know if I have the right words in this situation, but I want you to know that you’re on my mind and in my prayers".
Show up - Often it isn’t what you say or do, it’s just your presence that matters.
Actively listen - the simple act of allowing someone to tell his or her story can be powerfully encouraging. Don't offer advice unless asked. Don’t try to ‘fix’ the other person.
Be honest - If you tell someone you are praying for him or her, be certain that you are truly doing so.
Perhaps most importantly, don’t wait until there’s an obvious need for encouragement. Try to view encouragement as a spiritual discipline and make at least encouraging gestures every day. Drop a note to an elderly relative. Call someone for no particular reason. Compliment a stranger on the way to work.
Always remember Jesus’ final encouragement to us as he offered the Great Commission; “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20